Maps Showing Progess in Home Building from 1763 to 1928 in Wenonah

Homes built 1763 to 1854. Only 6 homes are standing at this time.
Homes built 1763 to 1870. 28 homes were added from 1871-1878, almost all of them east of the railroad.
Homes built 1763 to 1887. 26 more homes added to Wenonah during this period.
Homes built 1763 to 1897. 30 homes were added to Wenonah during this time.
Homes built up to 1906. 22 homes were added in this period.
Homes built 1763 to 1916. 39 homes were built during this period.
Homes built 1763 to 1928. 35 Homes were added in this period.
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