Mrs. Tucker Gets Freedom Medal

WENONAH-A quiet, modest, at school teacher who devoted her m. career to helping pupils acquire a full knowledge of the American way of life, was honored by the Freedoms Foundation in ceremonies here, Monday night. Mrs. Frances Tucker, a retired teacher, in the Wenonah school system, was presented with the Valley Forge Classroom Teacher's Medal by Dr. Ed J. Harvey Shue, Gloucester County superintendent of schools, during the PTA meeting in Fellowship Hall of the wy Methodist Church me A mother of four, Mrs. Tucker
has taught for 25 years, prior to her retirement three years ago. She taught in the Wenonah School system for 23 years.
THE AWARD was for outstanding classroom leadership in building a better understanding of the American Way of Life, the citation said.
Dr. Kenneth D. Wells, president of the Freedoms Foundation, said "the awards jury selected Mrs. Tucker because she has demonstrated an unusual ability to help our pupils acquire an abiding understanding -al of our constitutional system." Dr. Wells also said only with the knowledge of our free way of life will our pupils be fully prepared to carry the concepts of liberty on to the next generation.
-Courier Post Photo by Jack Wolfer THE VALLEY FORGE Medal for Classroom Teachers, presented to Mrs. Frances Tucker, retired Wenonah School teacher is admired by Mrs. Tucker and Dr. J. Harvey Shue, Gloucester County superintendent of schools, following ceremonies at the Wenonah Methodist Church Fellowship Hall Monday Night.
Valley Forge Medal for Classroom Teachers