Belford Royal's Talking Machine

It may be hard for people today to imagine but there was a time when machines didn't talk. This machine did not have batteries or an electric cord. Today we might feel bothered by too many machines that talk -- cell phones and televisions among them. But back in 1907 hearing a recording was an amazing event.
Ever spin a disc or play a record?
The man, Belford Grant Royal, who co-patented this Talking Machine once lived on East Mantua Avenue in Wenonah. He may never have moved here but the Benjamin Franklin Bridge needed a plaza for approach roads and his house was taken to make room.
You can read more about him and view the entire patent application at the link below.
It occurs to me that you might want to listen to a Talking Machine. Youtube provides many opportunities to do so. Here's one. There is a close up of the label early in the video. It was made in Camden, NJ.